Merrickville Family Session

My disclaimer before you see these images is that children do actually like me, but after seeing Caiden's face you may question if that's true. I don't think i've ever photographed a baby who makes such incredible faces like Caiden. I have followed Caiden's mom's business for a while and am absolutely head over heals for her creations. Melodie has an incredible greeting card company, Art of Melodious (you can check our her work here) and for those who know me, know that I LOVE cards. I have a large bin in my closet full of cards for special occasions and people I love. Melodie's cards live in my bin as well, but to me they're like precious jewels, so I basically hoard them and only give them out if I really really like the person (so if you get one you know you're loved!) I had the joy and privilege of capturing Tim, Melodie and baby Caiden at their beautiful home just outside Merrickville. Just like Caiden's shirt says, 'good things grow in Ontario' and this shoot shows it!